* A professional, full-time, male voice talent with custom in-home HD broadcast quality recording studio.
* Fast delivery. In most cases 24 hours or less. (*Rush orders as little as 2 hours available upon request )
* Friendly, hassle free service. Directed sessions available upon request via SKYPE, IP-DTL, Phone Patch or ISDN
* Edited voice tracks. Files in WAV, MP3 or AIFF format (based on your specifications)
* Music beds available upon request. (Rates based on market and usage)
* Monthly retainer and bulk rates available.
* Audio delivered via email, FTP, Dropbox.
* Free retakes to correct or adjust a read to your complete satisfaction.
Retakes may be billed if they are due to script changes after script approval and recording.
Any billable retakes will be discussed and a quote will be provided.
Because the needs and usage for each project vari, VoiceOver rates can fall anywhere between $30. - $3,000. for finished, edited files. Budgets and negotiation are part of the business world, if you have a budget for your project, I’d be more than happy to discuss your needs and your budget and try to work with you to a mutually acceptable solution.
-Sometimes thinking outside the box breaths new life into old souls, or an old technique... Just another cookie-cutter-voiceover can do the same thing to a product or service... Settling for the safe approach, when constantly evolving markets respect and reward the bold !!
"Mike is always on point... the fastest turnaround in the known universe, and by far the most pleasant, non-ego voice talent we've worked with... " "Versatile, durable and state-of-the-art. For tech-geeks like me, he makes my job easy. The bottom line for us is...when we have a tough deadline and a demanding client, Mike ALWAYS brings it all together.. " -Joseph Kline Web Content Producer